
Template Faerie

"Blog add-ons and advice for hobbyists"
Most 'web surfers' (a phrase I'm sure is outdated even now) have at least read a blog. Many of them have made one, as well, even if it was unsuccessful. There's so many blogs out there about this topic, or that -- but what about a blog that helps you make your blog?

Surely it's not the only blog of this kind out there. In fact, a cursory Google search will net you quite a few. So, for Sarah, the writer of Template Faerie, the blog is not about a perfectly unique niche, but rather about perfecting it. Sarah strives not only for a well-done blog about blogging; she adds her own (sometimes abrasive) flavor to her posts.

Everybody knows a little controversy here and a little controversy there can go a long way for readership, especially in the Internet Age when we're all so jaded that it has become our sustenance. This leads many writers to think that they must curry the favor of their disloyal readers with offerings of tasteful dissatisfaction, and Sarah makes it clear that she is often dissatisfied with the blogging world.

Whether that attracts you, or scares you, is obviously up to you -- sometimes it's a fresh read from those overly nice writers that praise everything they can without acknowledging the bad (a trait I, myself, have been guilty of once upon a time). However, there's more to Template Faerie than just abrasiveness, of course; there's helpful information.

If you're not a blog writer, you won't find this particular blog particularly useful. If you are, though, you'll discover that there's quite a few useful add-ons and bits of advice. From "5 Reasons Why I Won't Read Your Blog" to "How to Feed your Blog to Twitter", there's much help to be had.

There's no reason your blog shouldn't make the grade, so why not get some advice from Template Faerie?


  1. Wow, thanks for featuring my blog, Randall! :)

  2. @ Sarah: No problem, I thought your blog was more than deserving of a feature. I just hope I didn't insult you at all. I know I did come off a bit critical at points.

  3. Nah, criticism is a good thing. :)

  4. @ Sarah: Haha, awesome, I'm glad to hear that. Not that I dislike your style at all; on the contrary, I quite enjoy it. I'm just letting my readers out there know beforehand, haha. :P

  5. Impressive; this is one of the better done pieces of advice I've seen. Thanks!

  6. @ GeekRevolution: Thank you, I appreciate the good word. I'm glad this post could be helpful, and maybe it will continue to be in the future.

  7. @Randall - great, glad you enjoy it! :)

    By the way, I thought I'd let you know that I added a link to your blog on mine.

  8. Thanks, I'll have to look into the Twitter thing.

  9. I love how you put "awesome comments". Great site man :)

  10. @ forkfantasy: Thanks. I hope to hear that everytime I link my blog to someone; not just that my site is good, but that it was worth the time to come over to.

    @ ryanmcf10: Trust me, it is useful. Just make sure you know how the twitter post comes out so you can format your blog post to make the automatic twitter post look good.

    @ r0sz: Thanks a ton, haha. I thought that might elicit a few smiles. I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

  11. @bruno: Thank you, it's good to hear you're interested. :]

  12. I'll agree with the person above, the "awesome comments" thing really makes it! Anyway, nice blog you've got here!

  13. Hehe I like the "awesome comments"

    I think they key of making a good blog is interested writing, and you got me interested.

    Following :]

  14. @Tah_Lehy: Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    @Dr. Northstation: Heh, that's good, man. Like I said, it's awesome that people enjoy that.

    @HalfLifeWorld: Thank you, as well. :P It's nice to know that it's interesting.

    @Brut: No problem.

  15. @Teutorix: You should, it's well worth the time. Any amount of effort you put into reading it will be returned tenfold in good blogging power.

  16. I look forward to readingyour advice....following.

  17. Finally, some blog advice I can actually use. :)

    Loving the blog so far! Waiting patiently for more updates! Follow'd:


  18. @Terry: I look forward to giving it! I'm glad it's appreciated, that's always wonderful to hear.

    @KyleCS: Haha, interesting. Useful blogs can really come in handy, so it's awesome that I can be useful. :P

  19. I'd love to get my blog not to be a total eye sore.

  20. A blog about blogs? I'll blog your blog, you blogging blogger. I guess I'm just a blogger calling the... blogger... black?

  21. @Chrisitan: Don't we all? I'm glad you're interested!

    @southpaw: Thank you, and cheers to you as well!

    @The Wyrmden: I'm glad you can blog about me blogging about blogs about blogs, it's most appreciated on this blog. I'll hopefully be able to blog your blog on my blogging, about her blogging about blogs.

  22. This sounds like some helpful advice :)
    I'll check it out, will be useful as I have just started blogging!

    is my blog if you'd like to check it out.
    I'll make sure to be following you to see if you can spot any more interesting blogs like that one!

  23. @Jamie: It is helpful advice, trust me! I use it so much, you have no idea. :P

  24. good stuff to know

  25. Her intro to HTML was a very easy to follow and understand. Good find Randall.

  26. @Master Maniacal: Thank you. I already know some HTML, so I don't really read HTML tutorials, but I'm glad to hear it helped someone. ;D

  27. Good advice,
    looking forward to your stuff.

  28. @Gamerman's Gaming Blog: Thank you.
