

With the advent of simple blogging, available to people of all walks of life and styles, the number of personal blogs has soared to incredible proportions. A reader can find just about anything they want, from excellent culinary choices in the city of their desire, to how to play the latest and greatest games with ease. Everybody can, and does, blog.

What makes my blog stick out, though? This is the question all half-decent blog writers should (and most likely will) inevitably encounter. It's important to consider whether or not your blog will actually draw readers, or simply collect cyber dust.

If this is your dilemma, then Annie is here to save the day. She's the writer for the immensely popular "BlogU," which is a crash course in good blog design. BlogU (a clever name devised to mean "Blog University") features a minimalist, but exceedingly elegant, design that reflects the author's ability to cleanly and professionally construct strong blogs.

If you want to hone your skills as a master blog-fu ninja, get clickin' to BlogU and learn something!


  1. Thanks for the link, i could always use some tips to spice up my blog.

  2. Great link and overall post!

  3. @Dejch: No problem, glad to help.

    @Potholderz: Everyone can!

    @ApocTV: Thank you for the kind words.

  4. This is such a great and helpful thing you found! I am on it and I am siphoning every bit of info I can find that can improve my blog.

    On a side not, I have been told that by blog has a rather nice design and I do get some feedback on my posts so you might want to write about me ;)

    On top of that, I do enjoy the way your write [talk about brown nose-ing]


  5. @Dootzkie: Haha, I usually only suggest blogs I really enjoy, so they get favorable posts.

  6. nice way to blog :)

  7. I'll try this out, design of my blog has been a weak spot since its creation. I just want to put too much information on the same page...

  8. WOW dude i've been looking for a way to setup my mobile page and i found the answer here! you dont understand how much of a help this was. Thanks!

  9. @hyyypz: Thanks.

    @Lich: Glad it could help!

    @Armenia the Finest: Haha, I did the same thing myself!

  10. It's like inception: A blog with-in a blog with-in a....

  11. Nice site, might be useful for my crappy looking blog!

  12. Love Spartan094's comment! And thanks so much for the feature post! I started BlogU because I couldn't get my blog to do what I wanted...and as I learned how to do it, I posted about it for other newbies to learn. It simply evolved into a wonderful learning experience for myself and my readers.

  13. Great blog you got going!

  14. Nice, I actually use to use blogU before blogger xD. Good post keep up the good work!

  15. ill have to check this out - of course the best thing you can do for your blog is make sure its something you actually care about

  16. This is awesome! It's important that stuff like that is out there!


  17. Very good post, and blog btw

    Gonna follow

  18. Well i'd better check this out ASAP! My blog needs some serious work

  19. I don't think it's recommended to use guidance in a form of 'Blogging University', really. IMO it's all about your writing skills you've developed somewhere around Hight School era or even earlier. Than, some other things, like the desing of the blog itself, are more about self-expression. Lastly, in case of many bloggers conducting a blog is simply fun and experimenting. Of course, if someone craves for frequent readers, then yes: any forms of help and marketing improvements are recommended. It's not my case, though.

  20. Its a great way to broadcast some blogs that deserve attention!
