

Today's blog feature is one for the auto enthusiasts, as well as those who may not necessarily be auto enthusiasts but might enjoy checking out some (cool) cars. This particular site goes by the very odd name of shirtstuckedin, which the writer explains he came up with when, "[just] over 14 months ago I was out one night on my BMX with a mate getting some fresh air when I randomly said I was going to start a blog called shirtstuckedin, at the time I had my tee tucked in as it was a little cold."


Awesome and odd name aside, the site has a whole buttload of kick-ass photographs of even more kick-ass cars, from all over the place. The author, a one Casey John Dhnaram, seems to quite enjoy Japanese stuff as well, as the blog is rife with kanji and kata. Even better, he ain't a half-bad photographer!


candy for breakfast

Everybody likes to have a good laugh, right? Look at sites that are/were popular, like reddit, icanhascheezburger, and funnyjunk; all examples of places were a lot of funny stuff goes down (even if on reddit, it is often unintentional). Few things are as straight-up funny as comics are on the internet, though. VG Cats, Ctrl+Alt+Del, and Penny Arcade for the gamers out there; Explosm/Cyanide and Happiness for the rest of ya!

Smaller sites are often forgotten about on the internet, as we all know. Comics that are not as instantly successful or popular as the ones I mentioned above usually float in some sort of limbo. They are very under-appreciated, but there is one thing we can do to help out those out there who do not get enough good word solely on their work: spread the word!


Twitter Blog

Following the steam generated by last feature's post on The Mozilla Blog, I bring you today's featured blog: Twitter Blog. Similar to The Mozilla Blog, Twitter Blog brings you all you need to know about the incredibly popular twitter social media service that has taken the internet by storm (almost as much as facebook!).

Naturally, trying to stay updated on the internet can be a hassle. As is the nature of technology and information, they must evolve constantly. Many people may get swept up in this thrashing river of change, but fear not; reading blogs and news sites on the subjects that interest you the most is perhaps the best way to stay in-touch.

Here is a bit from Twitter Blog to get the ball rollin':


The Mozilla Blog

So many people on the internet have switched to Mozilla Firefox, from tech-savvy grannies to computarded teenagers, that it has become one of the leading browsers for internet browsing (and, arguably, the best of them all). This all despite the fact that it promotes ideas and philosophies that most non-technical people can barely grasp, like open-source software.

What can you do to improve your webertoire (web and repertoire, heh) when it comes to the huge non-profit company Mozilla? Easy -- just read The Mozilla Blog! That is right, you can go to one site to keep up-to-date on all information coming from Mozilla, easily and effectively.


Beast Skills: Revisited

Welcome to the third post of Fitness Week here on Blogographer! Here is a quick run-down of Fitness Week, as found in my post:

"So how are we going to work this weight off? Well, by exercise and fitness, of course! This week on Blogographer is going to be Fitness Week, and we will be featuring three fitness blogs on Wednesday the 28th, Friday the 30th, and Monday on the second of January."

Today's subject is number three on that list, and that subject is "bodyweight skills and weight training." This blog is all for those who love to stay fit and healthy -- and, honestly, why would anyone want anything else? Thanks to the site's author, Jim, there is a growing group of people who are more healthy and participating in fitness. This is why I am revisiting the post I made a couple months ago.