"We are an organization called WATOCW, and we are two guys who like technology and mischief (mostly the technology part, but we know how to blow off some steam from time to time). Our goal in making this site is to hopefully spread some information that you all will enjoy, and to basically create a central hub for all people to use. This site is for your avid computer users, programmers, and anyone interested in the field of technology."
Did someone say technology? :D
The topics covered on watocw aren't your average tech posts, usually. Sure, there's a bit of the iPhone here, and some LulzSec there, but overall there are some really interesting posts on such topics as BitCoin theft and the amount of information currently on and projected to be on the internet. It's actually quite interesting if you take the time to fully understand the implications.
The blog is very well set-up, in addition to content. The name of the blog is a bacronym for "We are the organization called WATOCW," thought up by the co-authors Clocwork and Shadowdrifter.
Interested in a good read on technology with a well-done blog? Check out watocw.